10 things that cost a foreigner the most when learning Spanish

Learning spanish as a foreigner

Spanish is a rich and complex language, especially in terms of vocabulary and grammar, so it is not surprising that foreigners that wish to learn it have some difficulties.  Students who want to learn Spanish are attracted by one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and learning it involves effort and gratification.

Spanish is one of the easiest languages to learn for an English person according to a study of languages, hence footballers, etc., they surprise us with their speed when they learn Spanish. This is because the phonetics are relatively simple and the graphic signs only correspond to one sound.

Learning Spanish as a foreigner

However, a language is not only oral competence, for this reason learning Spanish involves at least 10 difficulties that we explain below:

1. The verbs Ser and Estar

The majority of foreigners do not differentiate between these verbs, so, when learning Spanish they tend to make a mistake in the use of the second one. For example they tend to say “soy enfermo” and not “estoy enfermo”.

2. Writing

Being such a rich and broad language, learning to write in Spanish is difficult, which is why it is one of the most expensive skills.

3. Nouns finishing in e

As they are not as clear as the masculine and feminine endings in o or a, they often create confusion like el presidente, la mente.

4. The subjunctive mode

This is a verbal mode that for example the English do not have in their language as they form it with other verbal constructions, so it is more difficult for them to learn it.

5. Intonation

Although the intonation of Spanish is quite plain, for Asian students, for example, is not easy to assimilate the intonation of Spanish.

6. The j, g and r

They are very loud sounds that are difficult for students to pronounce and when learning Spanish they must be reinforced.

7. The ñ and h

These are characters that do not exist in other languages or at least are not used or written in the same way. That is why is it one of the greatest difficulties when learning Spanish.

8. The colloquial language

When learning Spanish, the students find it difficult to bridge a gap between formal and colloquial language.

9. Spanish sayings

Spanish has a wide range of sayings and we Spaniards are very fond of introducing them into our discourse almost without realising it. When learning Spanish at the most advanced levels, students encounter this difficulty.

10. Double meaning

Like sayings, double meaning and irony, are part of the Spanish character so foreigners who master the language must also learn this characteristic.


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